Prospect RIAs By ETF Holdings
Identify RIAs based on 13F ETF holdings, Morningstar categories, and more. Quickly identify and connect with the most relevant RIA prospects.

Discover ETF Holdings
- Access hyper-focused 13F data, containing detailed information on RIAs' specific ETFs, mutual fund investments, and Morningstar categories. Utilize our platform to:
- Search for RIAs that hold specific ETFs
- Track portfolio history, see holdings quarter over quarter
- See which RIAs hold competitor ETFs
- Refine your search by identifying the Morningstar categories in which your contacts hold ETFs
View Competitor ETFs
- Search for RIAs that hold assets in specific morningstar categories
- Identify the percentage of ETFs in their overall portfolio
- Discover the exact number of shares of a particular stock they hold
- Understand their portfolio composition and preferences
- Tailor your outreach and product offerings to their needs